Constipation is a problem of 21st century. As our world is increasingly westernised, so have our diets and food habits. This has resulted in a decline in intake of fibre and increased consumption of refined carbohydrates.
Constipation is a problem of 21st century. As our world is increasingly westernised, so have our diets and food habits. This has resulted in a decline in intake of fibre and increased consumption of refined carbohydrates.
The HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) diet is an extreme weight loss diet claiming to cause very fast weight loss of up to 0.45–1 kg per day.
Liver Disease occurring from excess fat accumulation is called Fatty Liver Disease or Non-Alcoholic Steato-Hepatitis (NASH).
Obesity is a pandemic of 21st Century. It brings along with it co-morbidities such as Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. Both of these directly affect Kidney function.
Snoring is a topic of jokes. It is considered a regular thing in some people which does not seem to be a cause of any concern or alarm. People are known to snore less or more and relatives or spouses bear with it without giving it a second thought.
Can one cut down their weight eating meat and eggs with ample cheese for breakfast, pomfret barbecue with a dash of cream for lunch, and chicken steak cooked in butter for dinner? Well, that’s what “The Atkins Diet” promises.
Everyone is always in search of that one magical diet that will get them fast results in losing weight and reap all health benefits.
“Vegan” is a trendy way to say “vegetarian.” Low-carb, high protein diets have become the gold standard of many weight-loss approaches (e.g. the Atkins and Paleo diets).
Mediterranean diet is lifestyle diet. It’s inspired by the eating habits of Greece, Southern Italy, and Spain.
We can perhaps call it – “The World’s Healthiest Diet” as it is abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and olive oil.
Paleo Diet – A way of eating that truly goes back to basics, Paleolithic diets are all about eating like our ancestors did.
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